The Texas Hunger Initiative and the South Plains Food Bank kick off the Summer Food program for kids 18 and younger on Tuesday June 8th according to a recent news release and Everything Lubbock.

The YWCA and Lubbock and Friendship ISD's are also pulling together in this partnership to bring food to Lubbock's children through out the summer.

This summer meals program serves many meals at more than 30 sites and helps to insure Lubbock's kids don't go hungry. According to Lubbock Avalanche Journal 'sponsors in Lubbock County served 137,000 meals during the 2013 summer.'

Wednesday June 8th a kick off event will be hosted at Overton Elementary according to Everything Lubbock.

You can visit for a map to find a meal near you. Families can also call 211, or text FOODTX to 877-877 to find the nearest meal site.



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