Blake is playing the latest from Eli Young Band! Can't get enough of it? Neither can we!

Eli Young Band has done very well with their latest album and now they've got a new single out called, 'Say Goodnight'.

In it's very first week, it has already debuted in the top 50 of the Country Billboard Charts. It's rare to see a Texas Country music group doing so well nationally, but EYB is definitely getting there.

EYB's first No. 1 'Crazy Girl' has really set them up for success, but the fact that this is a great group of guys doesn't hurt, either. They are a very team-oriented bunch and humble to boot.

In an interview reflecting on their first number one, Mike Eli said, "We realized what a team it takes - not just the four of us, but the whole team around us to make it happen. It was a big win for a lot of people."

Here by popular demand by those who can't get enough of it, is the latest song from Eli Young Band: 'Say Goodnight'.

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