In the not so distant past baseball was for the common man. The blue collar fan could head to the game and get a light beer and a hot dog and not go into debt. That's been on a steady decline with the advent of dilly dogs, fowl poles and other outrageous delicacies at the diamond in the 00's. The beer isn't safe either with frozen foam and 1000's of craft options on tap in major league ball parks this year.

One such club is taking the elitist flare to another level with "Pinot in the Park" that costs $45 dollars and all you get is a taste of wine and a stopper. Wine walking might be becoming more accessible but to have one at a ballpark? Is nothing sacred anymore.

What team is destroying the sanctity of beer and baseball? The Houston Astros.

They compound the initial event with the tagline, "I mean, is there anything better than baseball and wine?!" Uh, yes? Baseball and hot dogs. Baseball and beer. Baseball and peanuts. Baseball and cracker jacks. I could go on but I digress.

I can't hardly say Pinot in the Park without extending a pinky. You can't throw a two strike backdoor slider with your pinky sticking out. It's impossible.

Maybe, and I stress maybe, things aren't so black and blanc though.

Texas is shooting up to prominence in the wine world and is arguably the 5th best wine producing state in the US. I am all for State pride. The Lone Star liquid is better than any other states pruno. So if the Houston Astros are popping bottles from Texas vineyards and not crossing state lines, I'd have to rule that the Astros hit a fair ball here.

Just because it's not for me doesn't mean other people can't enjoy it. I'm sure there are cat people out there that think Bark in the park is a travesty.

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